*Join The Waitlist for Spring 2024*

Soul Led Business Mastermind

 an intimate mastermind for ambitious empath leaders ready to expand their reach, impact, and income.


A 9-month portal to scale your business to consistent + multiple 5-figure months with ease and flow through empath-aligned strategy, healing, energetic embodiment.

If you’re ready to strip the filter that helped you blend in…
At the end of your next level…
…And stoked to share the depth of your spiritual gifts, channeling your launch plan, and implementing the strategies that will ignite client-magnetism, freedom, and abundance…
This container was channeled for you.




 does this feel familiar?

> You’ve worked so hard in your business and you’re proud of the success you’ve created thus far… but you know the way you’ve been operating is not sustainable (you’re on the path to burnout!)

> You’re making $6-10k months but your 5-figure months haven’t been consistent. You’re dealing with the swings of feast and famine …and you’re to feel safe and LUSH in your business!

> You are only sharing a filtered vision of yourself and spiritual gifts, and you desire to show up fully and confidently. You’re done with sharing what you think people will buy, instead of what really excites you!

> You’ve got a tight grip on control! You feel like you’re doing ALL THE THINGS and realize your lack of trust in the process is sabotaging your efforts towards next-level success.

> You’re stuck the “should’s” of your business instead of the expansive potential that comes from breaking out of the box of external acceptance!

 are you ready to…

> Become a soul-led leader that is trauma-informed, a safe space-holder, and confident in being a part of the evolution of your industry.

> $$$ Make the consistent + even multiple 5-figure months! Have the freedom to take time off, feel at ease and secure in your business, build a team and scale! 

> Be magnetic to your soul-aligned clients. Feel empowered and confident showing up in authenticity. Make the money that excites you by sharing the depth of your unique gifts!

> Become a master channel! Develop an embodied resistance to uncertainty and self-doubt.  Channeling the details AND trust it will manifest without worry, post-launch crash, or panic through the process.

It’s time to embody the essence of your
most successful, aligned, empowered self.


 what it’s like to be inside this container

“I was able to launch my very first program which actually booked out! I was able to download and channel another program before it even ended.”

— Brianna Brown

“As soon as I said ‘yes’ to this program so much
abundance & support dropped into my life.”

— Karlyn Langjahr



“This was SO much more than a business mastermind — it was a portal for stepping into & owning my purpose & coming into full & unwavering belief in myself. It was a space for healing, for refining my medicine & gifts, for receiving channeled guidance & tools, for being held & seen & heard in the most compassionate way, for honing my own channel, & for coming into true connection with myself. We truly got it all— from strategy work, to energy work, to healing work, & the support we received was OUTSTANDING…not just from Ashley & the coaches & healers she brings in, but also from the amazing & powerful women that Ashley attracts into her programs. Besides gaining aligned community, healing some deep wounds, & getting clearer & more confident in my gifts & purpose, my business itself did a complete 180 at the start of the program & is now thriving with soul-mate clients despite recently stepping into this new role. I can say with full conviction that I have never felt so aligned, on purpose, & in love with what I do in my life. I will forever hold this experience in my heart. Thank you Ashley, I am so, so grateful.”

— Lydia Elias

 here’s what’s included

• 9 months of support with Ashley DuFresne as your mentor, channel, and space holder
• [6] 1:1 sessions with Ashley DuFresne
• 1:1 time on Monthly group Spiritual Mentorship & Channeling Sessions with Ashley
• In-person retreat!
• Monthly Group Conscious leadership mentorship calls with Alissa Bailey
• Your own personal Breakthrough Coach with weekly accountability check-ins

• 50+ hours worth of video trainings & workbooks to take you deeper
• Access to Soul-Empowered Launch & Lead Course
• Nervous System Calibration training
• Guest expert trainings including PR, pitching yourself, SEO, Kundalini business infusion, Inclusive and Safe Space-holding trainings, and more!

Raise your vibration and wealth by being surrounded with a high-vibe, powerhouse group of intuitive, badass leaders here to change the world.


(1:1 mentorship, mastermind container, additional healing and coaching sessions, + retreat all included in one price)

9 Monthly Payments of $2000 USD

12 Monthly Payment of $1500 USD

$18K Paid in full (Receive 3 bonus 1:1 sessions with Ashley which can be used within the 9 month container)

*There is one equity-based pricing option in the mastermind on request. Contact me at ashley@ashleydufresne.com to inquire.

meet your facilitators



Ashley DuFresne is a Master Channel, Energy Alchemist, and Founder of Authentic Embodiment Insitute who guides Empath business owners (mentors, coaches, facilitators, healers, speakers, and creators) in becoming the leaders their souls came here to be. Her mission is to empower Empaths to rise to their full potential and lead their soul-inspired mission with ease as they access the power of flow through self-trust and channeling. She guides her clients to organically, ethically, easefully, and pleasurability scaling their business to 5-fig+ months through accessing their energetic magnetism and radiant confidence. Through her process, Ashley sees her clients radically ascent to the highest, most authentic expression of self. Her secret? She works systematically by combining Empath-Biz Strategy, Psychology, Channeling Development, Healing, and Energetic Alchemy, to get her clients’ results in creating freedom and ease within their businesses.

Alissa Bailey

ALISSA BAILEY • conscious leadership coach

Alissa is a Transpersonal Counselor and Rites-of-Passage Facilitator whose work is to inspire systemic reclamation- both on an individual level and a wider, social level. As your Conscious Leadership Coach, Alissa invites you to pull up the roots of old and toxic paradigms that no longer serve you or your business. By offering in-depth Conscious Leadership sessions and monthly coaching calls, she offers you the opportunity to step into alignment with your deepest values, to be of service to your life’s purpose, and to make the biggest impact with profound intention and clarity.


one more love note...

Entering into the frequency of your next level requires you to take a leap

This leap is inherently uncomfortable…

For a moment in time,
You’re defying the laws in which held you tight.
Your old energetic imprint.

To leave this requires us to ask for more…
To dream.
To get curious.
Trust in ourselves & trust in our spirit team.

T r u s t . . . 
That if we leap, we will land
And even if we come crashing down,
We will stand up
And the land we stand up on
Is closer to what our soul envisioned.

To take the leap into your next level is an act of courage and willingness
to defy the odds and honor the inner whispers yearning for more.

Your visions are real.
You are worthy.
Now is your time.

Soul-Led Business Mastermind is for YOU if you’re ready to take the courageous leap on YOU & your vision.
It’s a 9-month portal to actualize your soul-yearned freedom and inspired flow.
…To be felt in your deepest power 
…To access your soul’s potential and shine your authentic light with confidence 
…To feel the ease and fluidity in your business 
…To activate your natural magnetism~ and work HALF the number of hours you’re currently working and make double the $$
…To have the freedom in your business to offer what inspires you and get paid for being YOU

Take the leap, Empowered Empath.
I can’t wait to see you thrive.